These limits are specified in the section user defined parameters
of the parameter.h file. If a calculation violates these limits, the program
stops and prints PARAMETER EXCEEDED statement(s) for the parameters that must
be changed. In this case, please change only the first parameter listed as exceeded
to the suggested (USED) value and recompile the program (the following ones may be
corrupted by array boundary violations). Repeat this procedure until all PARAMETER
EXCEEDED statements disappear. We recommend that you not increase the MAXRAM
value over the physical memory (RAM) available. Doing otherwise may result in
large paging overhead during program execution. Remember also that the size for
MAXRAM is given in MB/Core, i.e. the total amount of RAM assumed available for
the program in case of a parallel execution equals MAXRAM number of cores.
In the case of a conventional SCF calculation, disk requirements are dominated by the size of the electron repulsion integral scratch file ioeri.scr. In the case of a direct SCF (see 4.5.1) calculation, the files ioscf.scr, iocdf.scr, and iogrd.scr dominate. The files 4GBYTE.H and 6GBYTE.H contain alternative parameter settings for larger deMon2k versions with up to 1000 and 2000 atoms, respectively. If one of these settings is to be used, copy the corresponding file to parameter.h.