Automatic Generation of Auxiliary Functions
Automatically generated auxiliary function sets are provided in deMon2k
by means of the auxiliary function specification GEN-A
, with
, and
*, with
[133,156]. The GEN-A1 set possesses
auxiliary functions and is usually used only for debugging. The
sets consist of
, and
Hermite Gaussian functions. In
addition, the GEN-A
* also have
Hermite Gaussians. Because the
auxiliary functions are used to fit the electron density they are grouped
, and
sets. The exponents are shared within each of
these sets [53,54]. Therefore, the auxiliary function notation
(3,2,2) describes 3
sets with a total of 3 functions, 2
with a total of 20 functions and 2
sets with a total of 70
functions (see also 4.3.3). The range of exponents of all automatically
generated auxiliary functions is determined by the smallest,
and largest,
, primitive Gaussian exponent of the specified
orbital basis set. Therefore, the GEN-A
and GEN-A
* auxiliary function
sets differ for different orbital basis sets. The number of exponents
(auxiliary function sets) is given by:
N = {\rm Int} \, \left ( \,
{{\ln ( \, \beta_{\rm max} / \beta_{\rm min} \, ) } \over
{\ln (6 - n)}} + 0.5 \, \right )%
\end{displaymath}](ug-img1094.png) |
(1) |
is 1, 2, 3, or 4 according to the index of the selected GEN-A
or GEN-A
* set. The exponents are generated in almost even-tempered form
(see details below) and split into
and, if a GEN-A
* set is
sets. The tightest (largest) exponents are assigned
to the
sets, followed by the
, and, if specified,
The basic exponent from which the generation starts is defined as:
\beta_o = 2 \, \beta_{\rm min} \, (6-n)^{(N-1)}%
\end{displaymath}](ug-img1105.png) |
(2) |
In case ECPs or MCPs are used, equation (A..2) changes to:
\beta_o = 2 \, \beta_{\rm min} \, (6-n)^N%
\end{displaymath}](ug-img1106.png) |
(3) |
Furthermore, only
sets are generated on ECP and MCP
centers. From
the two tightest
, or
set exponents,
are generated according to the formulas:
The other
set exponents are generated according to the
even-tempered progression:
\beta_{i+1} = {\beta_i \over {6 - n}}%
\end{displaymath}](ug-img1122.png) |
(6) |
exponent of the subsequent
sets is also generated according
to the progression (A..6). Based on this
exponent, the
exponents of the first two
sets are calculated with the formulas
(A..4) and (A..5). The subsequent
set exponents are calculated again according to the even-tempered
progression (A..6). In the same way, the
set exponents
are calculated. In the case of
elements, an extra diffuse
function set is added.