Latest news
- 20/02/2025 Registration for the 23th deMon developer workshop and for the
Tutorial Workshop 2025 is open. Please see for more details.
- 21/03/2024 Registration for the 22nd deMon developer workshop is open. Please see for more details.
- 26/10/23 The 22nd deMon developer workshop will take place on campus at the University of Stockholm from June 9th to June 14th. More details will be announced later on.
- 27/06/2022 Registration for the 21st deMon developer workshop is open. Please see for more details.
- 20/06/2022 The 21st deMon developer workshop will take place from Oct 13th to Oct 17th. Please see for more details.
- 23/08/2021 The 20th deMon developer workshop will take place from Aug 31th to Sep 2nd. It will be held in a virtual form. Please see for more details.
- 10/02/2020 Registration for the 20th deMon developer workshop is open. Please see for more details.
- 29/01/2020 The 20th deMon developer workshop will take place from May 7th to 9th 2020 at the Bogmallo Beach Resort in Goa, India. The deMon Tutorial will take place from May 11th to May 15th 2020 at the CSIR in Pune, India.
- 27/05/2019 The 20th deMon developer workshop will take place in May 2020 in India. Details about the place and dates will be announced soon.
- 10/10/2018 Registration for the 19th deMon developer workshop is open. Please see for more details.
- 10/10/2018 News & Events updated.
- 24/07/2018 Program page updated.
- 06/07/2018 The 19th deMon developer workshop will take place in May 2019, from the 26th to the 30st in Frejus (France). More details will be announced later on.
- 05/01/2018 Publications on deMon2k delevopment updated.
- 04/27/2018 Download and News & Events pages updated.
- 04/19/2018 Publications page is currently being updated.
- 04/19/2018 Online Manual updated.
- 04/17/2018 The Online Manual and Publications pages are currently being updated.
- 04/12/2018 The Program page has been updated. A list of some
of the features of deMon2k which are available in private versions of
the code has been included.
- 04/11/2018 The Program page has been modified. The list of
some of the particular features of the Public Release version of deMon2k
(Version 5.x) has been updated. The Publications page is currently
being updated.
- 04/06/2018 The Program and the Publications pages are currently being updated.
- 04/06/2018 News & Events updated.
- 03/28/2018 The deMon2k webpage has been updated.
- 03/15/2018 Online Users' Guide for the new version 5.0
is currently being updating. The pdf file of the installation guide of the current public release version 5.0 is available.
- 03/01/2018 New version 5.0 available.
Previous announcements
- 31/01/2020 The 20th deMon developer workshop to be held in Goa during May 2020 has been canceled due to the pandemy.
- 10/10/2018 The 19th deMon developer workshop will take place in Frejus, French Riviera (France) from May 26 to May 30, 2019. Please see for more details.
- 11/10/2017 The 18th deMon developer workshop will take place in Guadalajara, Mexico from June 5 to June 10, 2018. Please see for more details.
- 10/13/2016 The 17th deMon developer workshop will take place in Calgary, Canada from May 10 to May 15, 2017. Please see for more details.
- 02/25/2016 The 16th deMon developer workshop
(deMon2k and deMonNano Tutorial) will take place in Zhengzhou, China
from May 2 to May 11. Please see for more details.
- 01/10/2014 The 15th deMon developer workshop will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria from May 28 to May 30. Please see for more details.
- 01/16/2013 The 14th deMon developer workshop will take place in Los Cabos, Mexico from April 28 to April 30.
- 01/16/2012 New version 3.0.6 available.
- 11/30/2011 New version 3.0.5 available. Online Users' Guide available.
- 06/20/2008 Publication list updated
09/27/2007 The deMon website will be temporarily unavailable from 28. Sept. - 01. Oct. due to system maintenance
01/02/2007 New basis sets DZVP GGA and TZVP GGA available. See the download section of this web site for further details.
11/29/2006 deMon2k version 2.3 is available for download (binary and source). See the download
section of this web site for further details. This version is a
revision of the previous 2.2.6 version, including the following
extensions and bug fixes:
- Adaption to g95 compiler
- Orbital localization included
- Stabilization of very tight geometry optimizations
- Zero point energy calculation for transition states
- Modified internal coordinate optimization with exact Hessian
- Bug fixes for parallelization
10/30/2006: The new deMon2k web site is online
09/19/2006: deMon2k version 2.2.6 is available for download (binary and source). See the download section of this web site for further details.
deMon2k workshops
The 23rd deMon developers workshop and Tutorial Workshop (Developers Workshop: April 26 - 28, 2025, Taj Ganges, Varanasi, U.P., India);
(Tutorial Workshop: April 30 & May 1, 2025, CSIR-NCL, Pune, Maharashtra, India)
The 22nd deMon developers workshop (Stockholm, Sweden, 9-14 June 2024)
The 21st deMon developers workshop (Kananaskis, Canada, 13-17 October 2022)
The 20th deMon developers workshop (Goa, India, 7-9 May 2020)
The 19th deMon developers workshop (Frejus, France, 26-30 May 2019)
The 18th deMon developers workshop (Guadalajara, Mexico, 5-10 June 2018)
The 17th deMon developers workshop (Calgary, Canada, 10-15 May 2017)
The 16th deMon developers workshop (Zhengzhou, China, May 2016)
The 15th deMon developers workshop (Sofia, Bulgaria, May 2015)
The 14th deMon developers workshop (Los Cabos, Mexico, April 2014)
The 13th deMon developers workshop (Toulouse, France, June 2013)
The 12th deMon developers workshop (Shanghai, China, 2012)
The 11th deMon developers workshop (Bremen, Germany, July 2011)
The 10th deMon developers workshop (Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 2010)
The 9th deMon developers workshop (Pune, India, Feb 16-19 2009)
The 8th deMon developers workshop (Paris, France, 2007)
The 7th deMon developers workshop (Kananaskis, Canada, 2006)
The 6th deMon developers workshop (Dresden, Germany, 2005)
The 5th deMon developers workshop (Tropea, Italy, 2004)
The 4th deMon developers workshop (Stockholm, Sweden, 2003)
The 3rd deMon developers workshop (Geneva, Switzerland, 2002)
The 2nd deMon developers workshop (Mexico-City, Mexico, 2001)
The 1st deMon developers workshop (Ottawa, Canada, 2000)